Friday, November 14, 2014

Patty's Remembrance Day Reflection

I think it was kind of hard since I never worked on a mac before and the part where we put our voice in the movie it got kind of hard (again). This picture was pretty easy to find since I only had to look up Remembrance day Poppy.
Me, Theresa, Mika and Sophia was in a group and it was really fun to work with them cause they are friends of them. Me and Theresa help the two other girls like for voice ,and Sophia and Mika did most of the digital work like the movie itself. 

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Theresa's Remembrance Day Reflection

I chose this picture because even though people sacrificed themselves for our country, we still celebrate in memorial for they died as heroes on the battlefield. We may miss our loved ones but they would not want us to be in sorrow,  they would want us to  be happy and remember how they saved us. We wear a poppy to remind ourselves about the sacrifice they made.

I had never used a mac or iMovie before so I really didn't know what to do. Mika and Sophia added the citations but I don't know how. I know that there's a text feature in iMovie but it's tricky for me to use. Patricia and I both just added our voices in. We had to do a few takes before we could get it right. They were just small mistakes like noises in the background, forgetting the words and so on but other than that, it was pretty easy, other than working with iMovie for the first time, getting used to it and figuring out how to use the microphone.

During this project, it made me think a bit more about the people that died during war and how it's affected us in the long run. I can't really explain it but I've come to appreciate Remembrance Day more.

Kris Gail's Remembrance Day Reflection

Using and exploring iMovie was so much fun, even if we had only two classes to do it and play with the app. Finding the photo was the toughest part of the whole project. We tried to find a photo that would match the stanza of the poem. For the recording I think it was the best part when our grouped showed effort to work together to finish the movie project on time.

The steps that we did to make the video were:
1. We put the photos that we found into iMovie 
2. Recorded our voice 
3. Edit the audio with the photo 
4.put the Citations

Andrea's Remembrance Day Reflection,sur:fm#safe=active&as_st=y&hl=en&tbs=ift:jpg%2Csur:fm&tbm=isch&q=soldiers+shaking+hands&facrc=_&imgdii=_&

I learned many things about Remembrance Day. They sacrifice thier lives for us to live.



  • Spilt each slide into four people
  • Search pictures that fits with the poem
  •  seperates picture with words
  • Changed font
  • Arrange words on each slide
  • put photos as backgrounds
  • Put it all together in imovie
  • put photo's in order
  • Add audio in the video

What I learned in Imovie:
  • Ken burns
  • You can add audio 
  •  You can fix the photo by making it longer so you it can match the audio you put
  • You can add effects
  • How to add photos

Lizley's Remembrance Day Reflection

This photo is phtotshoppdd by me. It's a collaboration of the photos I like. I chose the picture with the soldiers because it show the soldiers' real feelings with war. The seem tough to our sight but in reality, they're also people like us, who have feelings. And also I put the photo with a crowd of people because it shows the people the soldiers are dying for. And then, I used the poppies on the background.


  1. I made a presentation in Google Drive then shared it with my group members.
  2. We copied then paste the poem to our Google Drive then divided the poem into four for each of us.
  3. We looked for images for our stanzas.
  4. We pasted the images on our slide and pasted the links on the Image Citations slide.
  5. We added some typography on our slides but those were not included in making the video.
  6. We put the images to iMovie.
  7. Then we added audio.

What I learned in iMovie
  • There is an effect called Ken Burns
  • How to add audio
  • How to add photos
  • You can add effects

Photo links

Hannah's Remembrance Day Reflection

We were only given two days to finish our movie. It was a lot of fun when we recorded our voices, we had to restart so much times because we were in such a hurry and we had to connect to the server several times because the photos that we put on the s drive were wrong, so we had to go back to Google drive and edit the photos again. It was hard but we finished it on time. 

1. We put the photos into iMovie
2. We recorded our voices
3. Edited the length of the voices 
4. Put the Citations

Remembrance day reflection

The process of making this video for Remembrance Day wasn't that hard. its just a matter of patience and uploading stuff into other stuff for you to put everything together. I learned that the majority of the homeless are veterans. We don't appreciate the work they have done for us especially those homeless veterans, because they offered their lives to let us be free and the least we can do is help them the way they helped us.

I chose this picture because it caught my eye and its very symbolic and touching. To those who lost someone very close or a family member at war we thank them for what they did. When you're out there the most important thing to fight for is your country and the people you're with, you may not know them but they will for sure have your back.

Aindrea's Remembrance Day Reflection

In preparing our video for Remembrance Day, we learned how to use iMovie, but before we went to iMovie to put our video together, we found pictures that would match and suit the poem that we chose. We then got the links for each picture and figured out what order the pictures were going to be in. We later put it into iMovie and recorded ourselves reciting the poem. We lined up the pictures to the audio. We also adjusted the amount of time the pictures will be shown. After that we were done and the video was complete.

Alieha's Remembrance Day Reflection

For this Remembrance Day presentation, we learned how to use iMovie. We found pictures that we thought would explain the poem best. Once we put the pictures in, we recorded our voices to read the poem. We learned how to line up the voices so it matched the pictures. Then, we adjusted how long the pictures were going to be shown, and the video was complete.

Jayson's Remembrance Day Reflection

Operation Enduring Freedom


I made this video by first getting a group. Harbeck placed me in a random group and we were given a list of poems to choose from. Our group chose the poem "A Wish" by Maxine Kendall. When all the groups were assigned a poem, our next task was to search for pictures that match what the poem was saying and dump all of it into a Google drive post that is shared with the whole group and Harbeck. I was given a section of the poem which reads,

"I could despair of seeing
peace throughout the land,
no longer hearing talk of war,
blood with desert sand"

The hardest part about this assignment is that I had to do was to find pictures for each sentence. I only came up with two pictures for this whole paragraph. The photo I did for "no longer hearing talk of war, blood mixed with desert sand," was the best picture I've found relating to the sentence.

After getting the pictures, we put all of the groups pictures into iMovie. We had to put voice overs for the pictures to actually make the movie. I was the one who had to edit the movie and the girls did the voices. I had a lot of fun doing this project with my group and I feel proud that it got shown in the Remembrance Day Ceremony. 

Remembrance Day Reflection

What I learned about making a published movie with imovie. I didn't think that I could actually make a remembrance day presentation. It just looked really hard because of all the buttons you had to press, but no! Just one click here and one click there, and bam it just does the rest for you. I learned how to add voices, how to edit them and how to add the to picture itself. All together it was really easy i would like to work with a mac again sometime

<iframe src="" width="640" height="426" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen>

Mika's Remembrance Day Reflection

iMovie was really difficult to work because one, I never used it, and two, I never used mac. We didn't know how to put fonts on top of fonts on iMovie so what we did was put fonts on google drive presentation and print screen all the slides. Each of us had a job, my job was to put fonts on pictures, print screen, and send it to them. Sophia is in charge of arranging pictures, Theresa and Patricia is in charge of keeping us in task. It was really stressful because our pictures was all plain so I put fonts on it and it was our last day to work on it so I had to rush putting fonts. I wasn't with my group the whole time so I didn't know how they use iMovie. After I send them the pictures, we arranged it to proper place, record our voices, add some transition and we're done! I can't believe we finished everything in one day though. The problem in our video is that our audio is really bad, our voices are quiet, and I didn't pronounce my words properly.

Patrick's Remembrance Day Reflection

The process on making this video for remembrance day wasn't easy. We had to look for the perfect pictures that paints an image into the readers' mind of what the poem really says. We had a deadline and we met it, we only had 3 days to perfect this assignment and we did. It wasn't easy doing it it took time to make this beautiful project.

It took the whole groups' effort to finish this project and it was a huge success. The pictures we used in the poem were really strong and in my opinion I had a huge effect on the peoples' heart. I used the picture of the poppy because the names are all the soldiers that have died for our freedom and the poppies represent them.

Raven's Remembrance Day Reflection

This is my group's video for Remebrance Day that we worked on. We worked hard, so please view it, as we wish to satisfy your requirements.

Over the time that we spent working on this project, I felt as though I have improved my video editing skills. I got more familiar with video editing interfaces(e.g iMovie). We also learned how to do voice overs. Finally, finding pictures was really easy.

That's my overall reflection of what we did throughout this project.

Photo Essay Assignment Term 2

Our next assignment for GCT is a Photo Essay.  A photo essay is a story told with images and words.  The content of your photo essay is up to you.  There is a maximum of 20 images for your essay and a minimum of 12.

Here are some How to Photo Essay links
  6. Links at the bottom most important

Examples of Photo Essays

Student Examples of Photo Essays

How to Photography from National Geographic

Your topic has to be something YOU are passionate about.  Think about what excites you and can be expressed through photography. 

I recommend that you use your photograph e-book  Mastering Photography by Andrew S Gibson and James Brandon Tack Sharp. Lots of good stuff there.

Marking rubric to follow

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Denice's Remembrance Day Reflection

I choose this photo because my part was to find a picture of children holding each others hands. Tried to find a picture of children holding hands but all i found was couples and stuff. And besides I think picture has a lot of meaning to it.

  • Putting all the photos from our Remembrance Day group folder.
  • Delete some that we didn't use.
  • Putting the photos in order.  
  • Record our voices
  • Edit the voices.
  • Putting the Image Citations
I've never used iMovie before, so I didn't even how to use it but it was fun  learning new things with people who doesn't know how to use iMovie either. I've never used mac before so i didn't know how to put photos in or record and edit the recording. But now i know but I'll probably forget the steps anyways. This our short film it was mostly Jayson who did the work so I thank him for that. Jayson didn't want to talk because he said it will be weird because there is 3 girls and 1 guy talking. I was fine with that I didn't care but everything turn out good except for the intro, I hope there is more assignments like this but not showing it to the whole school.

Sophia's Remembrance Day Reflection

I think iMovie was fun, it was kind of hard to find things out. I've never worked with iMovie in the past so, it was hard to put fonts and such. Working with iMovie was overwhelming because of the different things that I have worked with before. On iMovie I didn't know how to overlay a font into a video who already has a font.

The steps that we did to make the video were:
1. We put the pictures that we had into iMovie
2. We put the pictures in order.
3. Then we added in traditions
4. We put our audio in.
5. We edited the audio length and the pictures

Monday, November 10, 2014

Julius' Remembrance Day Reflection

This is the Remembrance Day video we worked on. We worked really hard on it. We learned some things from doing it. Such as don't talk when someone is doing voice overs. It will be heard in the background. On the other hand we learned to listen to others  suggestions.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Remembrance Day Videos

 Well done to the Harbeck GCT crew who even when short crewed and short days created 4 powerful videos.  I commend you on your choice of slides.  Only two can be used at the service.  I have chosen 2 but which two would you choose?  Leave comments below.

So what do you think. Not bad for a first effort at making a video. Well done class

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Angeline's Photoshop Elements Assignment

Rose May's Photoshop Assignment

Erika's Photoshop Elements Assignment

Jacob's Photoshop Elements Assignment

Marla Mae's Photoshop Elements Assignment

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Corinne's Photoshop Assignment

Monday, November 3, 2014

Saansouk's Photoshop Assignment

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Amanda's Photoshop Assignment

Tiana's Photoshop Assignment