Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Friday, February 20, 2015
Thursday, February 19, 2015
More details to follow...
Minimum 15 slides with images, 15 slides with titles (play with fonts and colours).
Each Presentation needs the following...
Minimum 15 slides with images, 15 slides with titles (play with fonts and colours).
Each Presentation needs the following...
- 20 photographs
- 20 Creative Typography for each topic
- Reflection on what you learned in your final slide.
- You are given 3 personal choice photos. Find something you are passionate about and make it awesome.
Categories: Harbeck, Scavenger Hunt
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
iMovie Reflection
Macro Madness
Andy Warhol
Photo Essay
Last term, I learned how to use different techniques in photoshop and how to use iMovie a bit more but i am still clueless on making a video. I learned to look at scenes from different angles and points of view. I learned how to use the manual focus on the cameras. Zooming in up close at different objects make them look unique and something entirely different from what it originally was. Using photoshop for the Andy Warhol was pretty easy once I knew what to do and it was fun using all the different colors.
This term, I want to learn how to photoshop better by using other techniques. I also want to learn how to use iMovie to create videos and movies so I can help with other projects. I want to learn different ways of filming videos. I want to know how to edit the videos like how they did in iMovie for the Sargent Park Video. I want to learn what makes an effective, strong and powerful image and how to create good transitions.
Macro Madness
Andy Warhol
Photo Essay
Last term, I learned how to use different techniques in photoshop and how to use iMovie a bit more but i am still clueless on making a video. I learned to look at scenes from different angles and points of view. I learned how to use the manual focus on the cameras. Zooming in up close at different objects make them look unique and something entirely different from what it originally was. Using photoshop for the Andy Warhol was pretty easy once I knew what to do and it was fun using all the different colors.
This term, I want to learn how to photoshop better by using other techniques. I also want to learn how to use iMovie to create videos and movies so I can help with other projects. I want to learn different ways of filming videos. I want to know how to edit the videos like how they did in iMovie for the Sargent Park Video. I want to learn what makes an effective, strong and powerful image and how to create good transitions.
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
This term was a very exciting term. We learned so many things. From new techniques, new styles of art and new ways of telling a story. We also got to play around more with iMovie, although our encounter this time with iMovie was stressful we got to experiment more and discover new things about it. I had fun with the Macro assignment where we learned how to take extreme close up shots. We learned how to use a magnified glass to help us.
I want to learn more about iMovie and what other possibilities that can be accomplished on iMovie. It would be fun if we got to make our own movies on a topic, but we unfortunately do not have enough machines. I'm looking forward to what we will be learning about on Publisher. I really want to see how the layouts work and all that.
Categories: aindrea abadizzle the underground rapper, Term 2
Many people never really think Winnipeg is beautiful.
Like how I didn't assumed that these windows could never be anything special.
But if you took a walk with me, you will discover....
....and see....
....and know...
....that simple things could be something special. Just like this light.
I like to think that everything has its own inner beauty.
No matter how dull the colors are or how boring it looks,
or how it all has a similar color.
Nothing can ever be ugly.
Now, who says Winnipeg isn't anything special.
P.S. I know that the story was probably really dramatic, but I couldn't think of anything else.
P.P.S. Sorry it was late. Never again. I promise.
Categories: aindrea abadizzle the underground rapper, charbeck, photo essay
In Term 2, I've learned a lot from using Photoshop, camera and Imovie. I've learned how to make to make a pop art like Andy Warhol using Adobe Photoshop. I've also used Photoshop to enhance the photo that I've taken using the cameras for my Macro Madness and Photo Essay assignments. I've learned more thing about Imovie. I've learned how to zoom in to a certain things, to put video clips and edit them using the program, and to cut the video or picture to just keep the sounds in the background. During the process of making these four assignments, I had the chance to explore more by using the camera and using the different shots and angles.
For Term I would like to explore Photoshop more. I would like to learn how to put pictures into a picture that people would not recognize that I used photoshop. I would also want to learn how to animate a pictures.
Although I wasn't here to witness how they ended up finishing the video, I still got to contribute and help the group. It was a very stressful process. I think working in a group made things harder, not easier. We had a lack of communication and that confused us. We didn't know who was doing which parts and we were just kind of doing our own things. Nobody talked. We were all shy when it came to asking each other for pictures and that caused some of us to have photos missing.
Near the end, I noticed everybody working harder and we started to ask pictures from each other. We still had a lack of communication, but some people took leadership and asked who had what and planned what we needed. In the end, Alieha and Dave edited most of the pictures and videos we had and brought it together.
Creating the movie was difficult, but fun at the same time. During the process of making the movie, I've got the chance to take pictures and videos. I've learned a lot of techniques of how to use the camera in different forms. It was difficult to put all the ideas that the class had in mind for a 5 minutes or less, that we ended doing different things with the different groups. The most difficult part is how we only had 4 laptops to work with and that only 4 people have the chance to use and work in the laptop. I helped to make some of the transitions that was used in the video. I didn't get to help as much as I wanted during the process of the movie because everyone was doing different things that, I ended up looking for old photos that can be used for the movie. It was fun helping Dave's group to find the pictures that they needed to finish the process of the actual movie. We thought that it would be impossible to finish the movie in less than a week. We had a lot of time gathering the pictures and clips that we might need, but we only get to use some of them and most got deleted. We had at least a week to put all the ideas that we had. I sure did learn a lot of things during the process of making the video.
Categories: charbeck, moviereflection, Sirk Liag
Macro Madness
iMovie Reflection
Andy Warhol
Photo Essay
I learned a lot in term 2. I think our first activity we did was Photo essay and I learned how to make a story with pictures, it was really difficult for me to make my story. After finishing our photo essay, we learned how to ghost with the camera and practiced it for a few class, it was really cool but we learned that we need bright color to make it stand out. After that we did Andy Warhol which means we had to go full model to do this, but I learned how to use cutout in Photoshop
iMovie Reflection
Andy Warhol
Photo Essay
I learned a lot in term 2. I think our first activity we did was Photo essay and I learned how to make a story with pictures, it was really difficult for me to make my story. After finishing our photo essay, we learned how to ghost with the camera and practiced it for a few class, it was really cool but we learned that we need bright color to make it stand out. After that we did Andy Warhol which means we had to go full model to do this, but I learned how to use cutout in Photoshop
Categories: Harbeck, MikaToogood, Term 2
In this project we had to show what makes Sargent Park, Sargent Park. There were four groups, our group consisted of Patrick,Jayson and myself. We started off writing our ideas on a big piece of paper. We all started taking pictures of the daily events that happens at SPS, from 7:30 in the morning to 8-9 at night. After we got the pictures and uploaded them to Imovie. Then we edited them. Our group only took photos because the cameras weren't really available at the time, and when it was, it wasn't cooperating with us. Before we left for Edmonton, we tried to do as much as we could, I was looking for a track for the video but they just ended up the song "Bang Bang" instrumental. By the time we got back, our video looked amazing, especially Raven's transitions.
Categories: charbeck, hellokitty, moviereflection
What I Learned in Term 2:
The things that I learned in Term 2 was editing pictures like Andy Warhol and exploring more of Photoshop. Before this class I never used Photoshop at all and I was introduced and exposed more to it. I didn't know how to edit photos and make the colors stand out more. But with Photoshop I can make good pictures and make them look a little better because of the colors I make stand out. Also, removing the background and changing the colors on a person and making it look very artistic. I also learned to use the manual focus on the camera. I never used the cameras we use in this class but it taught me the different ways of using it and manual focus being one of them.
Next term I wanna learn more things on iMovie and how to use it better and be an expert at it. Especially when it comes to editing videos with all the effects and making it even better. Also, being more exposed to photoshop and not just with editing but making pictures look even better and even more interesting. I wanna make a very boring picture into something really interesting and make the viewers see the details that aren't noticed a lot.
I learned many things this term. This term i learned how to use PHOTOSHOP! I was very impressed on how easy it was. I hear magazines say that people get "photoshopped" and I'd always wonder that photoshopping would be so hard but its actually really easy. More things that i learned how to do was use imovie, do macro photography, manual focus, and get a better understanding on cameras.
Next term, I want to learn how to make the yearbook BETTER than the other years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Categories: charbeck, Taquito Dave, Term 2
When were were making the video, I had a lot of fun. During the process of making the video, I found it very hard and confusing because we were working as a whole class and sometime we didn't know what the other groups were doing. But getting all the footage was really fun! having to videotape with those really big cameras was the best experience I've ever had. I felt like i was an old time movie producer at one point.
I learned so many things! But the #1 thing that i learned that i thought was the best was actually learning how to use imovie on a macbook! at the beginning it looked really intimidating and complicated. But soon afterwards, i got the hang of it and it got easier and easier every time i used it. Also i learned that its not easy to work with a WHOLE class to make a video/movie. It can be frustrating at some points but we pulled together to make a great movie that we were all proud of.
Categories: charbeck, moviereflection, Taquito Dave
First of all, I finally learned how to edit a video on iMovie, which is something that I have never done before. I actually learned how to do simple animations using nothing but Google drive and screenshots that I put into iMovie. I learned somewhat more in Photoshop with the Andy Warhol assignment, and that removing the background of a picture can be a pain especially when you have a lot of hair. I also learned how to use the manual focus on a camera which is also a pain. Also taking a bunch of photos and somehow turning it into a story is probably the most painful.
For the next term, I want to learn how to actually use Photoshop, and not just adding filters. Although adding brightness and contrast might be enough, I want to learn how to blend pictures together and use all of the expert tools. If possible, I do want to use iMovie again and learn new things on making a video. I also want to work a lot on the yearbook so I can have something to look back on and say I was a part of, when I leave Sargent Park.
For the next term, I want to learn how to actually use Photoshop, and not just adding filters. Although adding brightness and contrast might be enough, I want to learn how to blend pictures together and use all of the expert tools. If possible, I do want to use iMovie again and learn new things on making a video. I also want to work a lot on the yearbook so I can have something to look back on and say I was a part of, when I leave Sargent Park.
Categories: aleyley pascuweywey, charbeck, Term 2
Video Reflection
This movie was fun. While we (Raven and I) did not do anything too spectacular we did our jobs. We did what we were supposed to. We took pictures and video. We made music and tried our best. Something's were a little frustrating. Such as the making our soundtrack. It took a while for things to work but it worked and things sounded wonderful. We also argued about the credits and what to do for it. but in the end everything worked out and our part of the video was pretty good.
Categories: Akashi Seijuro, Batman♠, EmperorofMankind®, KingofFreedom™, moviereflection, TheWolfe©
All we really did was work on the end credits. But we had (some) commitment. It was fun. Especially working on the transitions and making our own soundtrack. We argued, but we managed to pull through and compose everything at the last second for everything to work out. In the end, it looks like this was a good start to a future of success for Emperor Blackbird Enterprises©.
Hello Hella
I would considered this a fun assignment since we were able to use the big cameras and record. The beginning was a little hard since at first we didn't know what to record but after a little while we had gotten a hand on it. We were a little scared to ask the teachers since reasons. So when we filmed in the gym I was scared to go ask because I had the big camera with me and the class already there was playing basketball, so I was practically scared of the balls.When we were looking for photos we found some old pics with us in like grade 6 or 7 so it was like fetus pictures and they were quiet funny seeing all of them in there pre-teen age. ( I couldn't find any with me in them but its okay). I also couldn't find a pic so make do with this one ok
Sorry not sorry.
Categories: PattySenpai
In this project my group consisting of Jayson and Andren we had to create a video that represented our whole school. We all started to brainstorm our ideas in the beginning on a huge paper. We all had to take pictures of the fun things that Sargent Park consisted of. We had to work with other groups as well and combine all of our parts of the school in the end. Our group focused more on the junior high students. Taking pictures were the easiest part of this assignment because of all the coolest things that we have in this school. Combining all our ideas at the end and making the whole video was the hardest part in this assignment. We had to work with 3 other groups consisting of at least 4 people in that group. With all of our ideas jumping up and down the place we still managed to produce a project that represented our school in a very good way. We still managed to finish the movie in time and also a very good turn out at the end!
Categories: charbeck, spongebob, We are Sargent
Links to projects
Photo Essay
Andy Warhol
I'll just write the movie reflection here.
As always, it was a good experience. Well not really because it was a different version and was rather tedious. Especially when we had to record stuff and find footage. It was okay I guess.
In this term, we worked more on projects, and worked with the cameras a lot. We used what we learned in term 1 to photo edit and enhance our projects.
Photo Essay
Andy Warhol
I'll just write the movie reflection here.
As always, it was a good experience. Well not really because it was a different version and was rather tedious. Especially when we had to record stuff and find footage. It was okay I guess.
In this term, we worked more on projects, and worked with the cameras a lot. We used what we learned in term 1 to photo edit and enhance our projects.
Categories: 905, moviereflection, Term 2, TheOfficialDrDubstep
iMovie Reflection
In term 2 I learned a lot of techniques using the camera.We learned how to ghost, macro, and to do manual focus. In ghosting we needed to change the aperture setting and needed to play around with the camera. For most of the techniques we did were all about playing with the camera and how to be creative with it. I also learned how to edit in Photoshop using the Andy Warhol technique. The Andy Warhol technique is basically making our photos look cartoon-like and add bright colours to them to make them stand out.We also had to make a video about our school which was a bit stressful but we managed to finish it. I learned how to use iMovie and transition the videos together make it fit.
For the next term i would like to play more around Photoshop and learn more techniques with the camera. Maybe work on the yearbook more and take more memorable pictures for the yearbook. So when people go back to see it when they are older they will remember the time they had in Sargent Park.
Monday, February 16, 2015
In term 2, we did:
The first thing we did on Term 2, is making a photo essay. It was hard to think of a topic, because most of the ideas I got were already taken so I just thought that maybe I should choose something I really know about; so I chose art. Then, we did the Andy Warhol with the Photoshop. It was fun making it because we could pose wacky poses then edit the colors to make it more lively.
In this term I learned how to take photos from different angles. I also learned new and different things about photo shop in the making of my Andy Warhol pop art. I learned lots of stuff from Imovie too like adding photos, zooming in on the video, splitting clips and lots more. It was a lot of fun playing with Macro Madness, in this I learned that you can make anything even little things look interesting. In the photo essay I learned that you can take pictures and turn them into an essay or a story
In the process of making the yearbook I want to learn 1) How to make pictures into a collage using adobe photoshop and make them into an object like a torch or a bottle. 2) How to wrap stuff around an object like a set of clips around a torch 3) I want to learn how to apply a gradient color using photoshop. These are some things I want to learn during the term.
In the process of making the yearbook I want to learn 1) How to make pictures into a collage using adobe photoshop and make them into an object like a torch or a bottle. 2) How to wrap stuff around an object like a set of clips around a torch 3) I want to learn how to apply a gradient color using photoshop. These are some things I want to learn during the term.
Here are the things I have done in term 2:
Photo Essay:
Macro Madness:
Movie Reflection:
What I have learned.
In this term, the Andy Warhol assignment was very educational, here were many aspects of Photoshop that were still unclear to me, however by doing that assignment I learned how to use the lasso tool to select an object from your picture, and to add a new background behind the selected image. For the Sargent Park video, (We are Sargent Park) I learned how to use iMovie, and how to speed up a clip as well as changing the background music. I also learned how to edit certain clips in iMovie, like cutting out particular scenes and sounds. For the Photo Essay assignment I learned how to take more thoughtfull pictures, and how to follow and convey a particular story line through pictures. With the Macro Madness assignment I learned how to take extreme close ups with a magnifying glass and how to manually focus a camera because sometimes auto focus does not cooperate when you are taking shots from such a close angle.What I would like to learn:
For this next term I would like to work more with Photoshop because I know that there is still a lot to learn from that tool. I would like to use Photoshop for more than just enhancing images (if that is even possible). I would also like to learn how to make interesting formats for a book (yearbook) and how to make everything tie together well, because as you stated before, we will only individually do a couple pages on our own. There seems to be so many things that I would like to learn in the field of graphics, and digital art. I would love to learn more on how to make digital animations, work with more typeography, and maybe with some more filming.5 sentence reflection, on what you have learned
5 sentence paragraph about what you want to learn in the last term
Some stuff we learned include Macro photography, making a movie, making a photo essay, Andy Warhol pop-art pictures
Project Links:
Pop Art
Photo Essay
Macro Photography
Movie Reflection
In this term we learned how to take really close pictures and make them look good. We also learned how to make a movie (took some time). It took sometime for us to understand how to make a movie. Making pop-art was the probably the most fun I had because of how unique just one photo could be. It was also the most frustrating because confusing the instructions were at first. When we set out to make a photo essay, I didn't know what to do. So I just took pictures of my gaming set and some turned out fine. I also had a lot of fun writing the essay of my photo essay.
Project Links:
Pop Art
Photo Essay
Macro Photography
Movie Reflection
In this term we learned how to take really close pictures and make them look good. We also learned how to make a movie (took some time). It took sometime for us to understand how to make a movie. Making pop-art was the probably the most fun I had because of how unique just one photo could be. It was also the most frustrating because confusing the instructions were at first. When we set out to make a photo essay, I didn't know what to do. So I just took pictures of my gaming set and some turned out fine. I also had a lot of fun writing the essay of my photo essay.
Friday, February 13, 2015
Project Links:
Macro Photography Assignment-
Sargent Park Video Reflection-
Andy Warhol Assignment-
Photo Essay Assignment-
I've learned many things mostly on Photoshop, but not so much in iMovie. I learn how to make an Andy Warhol on Photoshop, putting filters on the photos on Photoshop, and how to adjust/ enhance colour/ hue saturation. I learned somethings on iMovie like deleting the sound, and putting effects. And I also learned that taking pictures of sunsets in winter is not a good idea.
Even though I didn't really participate on the movie I still had fun, like going back to the gr. 6 rooms/hallways , though I felt bad. The Marco Assignment was easy but hard to take the picture because it's always blurry and it's hard to take a picture of things that is hard to tell what is. The Andy Warhol Assignment was kinda hard/confusing because of the instructions that was given, but I got the hang on it, it was fun because I got to learn many other things on Photoshop that I didn't know about. The Photo Essay was hard because it's hard to pick a topic and a story that make sense and that fits. And I don't have that many interest except for anime and food but I don't cook it, I eat it. And it's freezing cold, it's hard to take pictures at night in winter! because I was shaking.
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Term 2 Assignments:
Photo EssayAndy Warhol
Macro Madness
We are Sargent Park Reflection
In Term 2, I learned more things about what Photoshop can do through the Andy Warhol assignment. I also learned more about Photoshop by editing my pictures for projects like my macro madness and photo essay. I also learned how to use iMovie through the "We are Sargent Park" video. Before that project, I had no idea how to work in iMovie. But after a stressful month of editing, at least I know how to edit a simple video.
Next term, I would like to learn more about Photoshop. I've always been fascinated by people who know how to use the program. I wan't to learn everything about any Photoshop application out there. Mainly because I want to mess around and create weird things. Learning how to use Photoshop like a professional is what I'd want to learn in Term 3 for my personal enjoyment.
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Photo made by: Jayson
We made the video by first getting our ideas and thoughts on how to make it on paper. We needed to get pictures and videos relating to Sargent Park. My group, consisting of me Patrick and Andren, took most of the Jr.High pictures while everyone else did their own thing. After we got all of our pictures, Mr. Harbeck gave each group a Mac to start editing our video. He handed out 1 Mac to the four groups and each group got a segment of the video to do. My group was working with the Jr. High segment because we had a lot of pictures of grade sevens, eights, and nines. Since we had very little time to work on the video, we decided to edit after school from 3:30 to 4:30. For me, the hard part of this assignment was getting each segment to match others so it appears somewhat consistent. After all the groups were done editing, we put it altogether. I think the video came out better than I expected it to be. But I don't know if we won against the other group or not. Overall, making the video was a very educational experience for all of us and I learned a lot about iMovie and the process of making a video.
Categories: cabarlo, charbeck, We are Sargent
Monday, February 9, 2015
I always thought that making a video would be fun. Although it was fun, it was also very stressful. Almost to the point where I was pulling my hair out. Collecting the footage was the easiest part, but putting it all together was really hard. Mostly because I never really used iMovie before and I've never edited a video before. I think communicating was especially hard with a big group because we all had different ideas and we didn't exactly have a clear plan on what we were doing. But we still managed to put together a sort of nice video with a short amount of time and with people missing too.
For the most part, I really didn't know what to do. All I was thinking was that it won't be perfect, but imagine what it would feel like if we could actually pull it off. But I did learn how to use iMovie eventually, and I learned new techniques on picture animation, which I never thought I would learn from this project. The main thing I did was edit the video and add effective transitions which was hard to do without knowing what the plan was. Usually, I can't do anything unless there was a plan because a video should have a story. So we actually finished editing the whole video in one day (in the morning, at lunch, and during class). Overall, I really enjoyed making a video, but next time we should have a clear idea. I do want to try this again though, now that I have some experience.
Categories: aleyley pascuweywey, charbeck, iMovie, We are Sargent
The things I've learned this term 2 :
What I learn about photo essay is taking pictures in different angles. It's really hard to come up with a topic, if you're the type of person with lots of interest. But I just picked art Because it's one of my hobbies. It's easier because it's already prepared, I mean because if I choose something like baking, I still need more stuff just to take some pictures.
Andy Warhol:
What I learn about Andy Warhol is to put different kinds of color around my face and etc. But first I was having difficulties in where there's like part of my face that has the same color, it automatically selects that whole area the same person, but I don't want it to be the same color. So what i did is I carefully select it with pencil selector or whatever what it's called, and just draw where I want it to be selected. Then taking pictures, it's not that hard, as long as you have a blank background.
Macro Madness:
What I learn about macro madness is you can actually use a magnifying glass to even more zoom in into the object your focusing on. I actually didn't know about until we worked on this assignment. It's sometime hard to take pictures because, sometimes you found a really nice object and take a photo of it, it sometimes end up being blurry (like some of my pictures). It was fun working on this project.
What I learn about I movie is teamwork. Well I did a little computer work. But mostly teamwork. Taking photos was hard too. Asking classes is we can take some pictures. If we forget to take picture from the classes upstairs we have to go back up. But i had a lot of fun.
What I want to learn about in the last term is to animate or maybe to more effect stuff. I don't know why but I just really want to learn to animate in a easier way. But maybe just learning stuff that I haven't known is fine too.
- Photo Essay
- Andy Warhol
- Macro Madness
- Movie
What I learn about photo essay is taking pictures in different angles. It's really hard to come up with a topic, if you're the type of person with lots of interest. But I just picked art Because it's one of my hobbies. It's easier because it's already prepared, I mean because if I choose something like baking, I still need more stuff just to take some pictures.
Andy Warhol:
What I learn about Andy Warhol is to put different kinds of color around my face and etc. But first I was having difficulties in where there's like part of my face that has the same color, it automatically selects that whole area the same person, but I don't want it to be the same color. So what i did is I carefully select it with pencil selector or whatever what it's called, and just draw where I want it to be selected. Then taking pictures, it's not that hard, as long as you have a blank background.
Macro Madness:
What I learn about macro madness is you can actually use a magnifying glass to even more zoom in into the object your focusing on. I actually didn't know about until we worked on this assignment. It's sometime hard to take pictures because, sometimes you found a really nice object and take a photo of it, it sometimes end up being blurry (like some of my pictures). It was fun working on this project.
What I learn about I movie is teamwork. Well I did a little computer work. But mostly teamwork. Taking photos was hard too. Asking classes is we can take some pictures. If we forget to take picture from the classes upstairs we have to go back up. But i had a lot of fun.
What I want to learn about in the last term is to animate or maybe to more effect stuff. I don't know why but I just really want to learn to animate in a easier way. But maybe just learning stuff that I haven't known is fine too.
In this post you will put everything you did in Term Two. You can re-embed or you can have links to your posts.
You need to have your
We will be doing yearbooks in this last term.
You need to have your
- Macro Madness
- movie reflection
- Warhol
- Photo Essay
We will be doing yearbooks in this last term.
Saturday, February 7, 2015
While making this movie for Sargent Park School, I realized a couple
things. One was that communication was vital in completing this task as a
group. In my case, I am used to working on projects alone or with a smaller
group of people, however trying to coordinate an entire class to work on the
same page was really out of my comfort zone. At first I felt I couldn't
properly express my ideas for others to hear, being that my voice is not the
most audible. That's when I realized that this project was much different,
instead of me just sitting in front of a screen and working on my own decree, I
would have to communicate, and would also have to do something a bit scary for
me, which is relying on others. I stressed out about this project to an
extreme extent, and had at least one sleepless night of just worrying about
what I could do. The problem was I could not just pick up a Mac alone and
finish the project myself; I would have to discuss my plans with others, and
again do the very dreaded talking thing. At first I felt I couldn't do that at
all, and that sent me to a low point, adding to much more stress for me.
I now had to
seriously think about what I should do in order to have an active role in the
making of this movie. I finally came to face the fact that in order to do this
I had to try to inch myself away from my comfort zone, and so I did, or at
least tried to. Ultimately I was able to contribute to some good ideas for the
group. It felt really good to help out, and I was flattered to hear that my other
rather artistically gifted classmates liked my ideas as well.
Another thing that I
had realized was that you can learn a lot from the people around you. I am so
fortunate to be in a class that is so diverse, inspired, and not to mention,
artistic. Everyone has their gifts and talents, and by working a bit closer with
them than normally, I could sample a bit of their talents and pick up a few
worthy techniques. For instance, I learned how to make an ordinary picture on a
movie more radiant by placing aesthetically appealing text, and changing its
transition. Additionally I learned how to take effective shots for a very specific
While making the movie: Working
on a deadline for such a big project may seem far fetched and almost impossible,
and I also worried if we could ever get it done on time. After making a plan
however, and having the work divided off we could actually start getting
somewhere. Our group worked on the transitions, and the beginning and end. We
would search the computer for interesting videos and pictures and search our
minds for any glint of a creative thought and then edit, enhance and crop away
at the rusty edges. We worked and talked and listened, and in the end the
results were satisfactory.
In summary, despite
being removed from my comfort zone, I feel that I was able to gain certain benefits
from this experience that will help develop my skills as a student.
(Picture by Blek/ Name: Caged Ideas)
(Picture by Blek/ Name: Caged Ideas)
Categories: charbeck, Harbeck, reflection, Sarah, Sargent park video, SPS video reflection, We are Sargent
Friday, February 6, 2015
Sargent Park Video Reflection
Categories: 905, charbeck, Denice, reflection, Sargent park video

Sargent Park Video Reflection
We were working on a video about showing what Sargent Park is and we we're suppose to use the i movie to make the video. I think the hardest part is like you have to take the pictures and videos of the elementary kids. It's hard because we have to make sure that the length of the videos fits the appropriate time. Also when you download the pictures and videos that you took, and put it in a folder. You have to like sort them so it's easy to find.
Sometimes there's like kids that doesn't have permission to be in a video or and photographs, so it's sometimes hard to find an angle where those kids can't be seen. Maybe next time, if there's another group work, I should be in a small group because it's hard to work with a big group. But I had lots of fun working with them. Also learn a little bit about working on i movie. The pain of working this assignment is that we were crowded in one place.
Categories: 905, Andie, charbeck, Harbeck, reflect, Sargent park video, We are Sargent
Creating this project was a lot of fun. I'm glad I got to take pictures and clips from lots of different angles. It requires a lot of hard work and extra time to finish. It was hard working with only one camera but we made it work. We took a lot of pictures, but deleted most. We only kept the ones that really looked nice and are related to the project. It was scary asking teachers if we can take pictures during their class but it worked out well. Even though we didn't get to take pictures of all of the things listed in the board we still got most of them. Taking clips was really hard without a tripod. My hands kept on shaking even though I was trying to hold the camera still while walking. The others did very well in taking their clips even though they didn't have a tripod. A new technique I learned was that you could put the camera on the floor and still take really good clips and its not moving or shaking. You should try to get different angles until you find the one your most satisfied with. Working with a group was fine, it took a lot of teamwork. Even though I didn't get to play with imovie I still watched the others splitting the clips, zooming it in on the part they want, adding clips and many more. I learned a lot of stuff just by watching them. This project was really fun and educational I learned a lot of things and new techniques.
Categories: 906, charbeck, Hannah, VideoReflection
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